Backboys boarding school

Diocesan Boys' School

School Name: Diocesan Boys' School
Location: 131, Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
Founded Year: 1869
Religion: Christian
Motto: -
Type: Boys
Boarding Age: -
Year Group: G7-G12
No. of Students: 1369
No. of Boarders: 256
School Facilities:
Entry Requirement:


Extracurricular Activities:


Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
131, Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon
+852 2711 5191
[email protected]

The School

  •  The vision of our school is to equip our studentswith sound knowledge, worthy qualities, dynamic social and technical skills to become contributors to society and leaders with integrity in a diverse and ever-changing world.
  • The mission of the school is to provide a liberal education based on Christian principles.


  • DBS will not participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation. All Grade 7 (Form 1) students will be admitted through the school's own admission and selection process. Our selection process is based on a fair and transparent principle. Parents are advised that it is not necessary to obtain many reference letters, including those from coaches and instructors, at an excessive cost.
  •  Selected applicants will be asked to attend an interview in both English and Cantonese offered by the English and Chinese Departments. Applicants who are talented in sports and music may be invited to attend try-outs and auditions.
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