Backco-ed boarding school

Hong Kong Adventist Academy

School Name: Hong Kong Adventist Academy
Location: 1111 Clear Water Bay Road, Clear Water Bay,Sai Kung, N.T.
Founded Year: 2011
Religion: -
Motto: -
Type: Co-ed
Boarding Age: -
Year Group: -
No. of Students:
No. of Boarders:
School Facilities:
Entry Requirement:


Extracurricular Activities:


Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
1111 Clear Water Bay Road, Clear Water Bay,Sai Kung, N.T.
+852 2623 0034

The School

  • Hong Kong Adventist Academy is a private nonprofit school that offers through train education beginning at primary 1 all the way through to secondary 6 with boarding facilities for secondary students.
  • To prepare students not only academically but also spiritually, mentally, socially and physically.


  • Applicants must have a good command of English. An interview and pre-entrance exam will be scheduled for assessment.
  • Attend interviews and admission tests as scheduled by HKAA
  •  Admission tests include:
    - English reading and writing
    - Math
    - Chinese reading and writing (Students who cannot read or write Chinese may opt out of the Chinese test and be placed in the Chinese as a Foreign Language Class.)
  • The interviews include:
    - One with the student to evaluate English,behavior, and personal goals
    - One with parents to assess the family goals for the student
    - One with the dormitory deans, if the student is seeking a dormitory space


Boarding Fees

Seven Days Borading 5,100

Five Days Boarding 3,850

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