Backgirls boarding school

Branksome Hall

School Name: Branksome Hall
Location: 10 Elm Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1N4, Canada
Founded Year: 1903
Motto: Keep well the road
Type: Girls
Boarding Age: 13-18
Year Group: Kindergarten - Grade 12 and PG
No. of Students: 880
No. of Boarders: 62
Average Class: 20 students
School Facilities:
Film and Environmental Labs, four science laboratories, art, drama and music studios, allison Roach Performing Arts Centre, gymnasium and fitness centre, swimming pool, cafeteria and tuck shop, library, reading Room for senior students, grade 12 (DP2) students' recreation room, 2 computer labs.
Average SAT:
Entry Requirement:

SSAT results, extracurricular interests, and interview

Extracurricular Activities:

Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
Kimberley Carter
10 Elm Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 1N4, Canada
+1(416) 920 6265 ext. 268
[email protected]

The School

  • The school is an International Baccalaureate World School and a university preparatory school.
  • Generally, all graduates proceed to university, many with scholarships.
  • The campus contains a section of Carolinian forest with an outdoor classroom, four tennis courts, a large lower field used by teams and classes, two playgrounds, and a "quad" with an adaptive playground, where senior students often relax and eat lunch during the warmer months.


  • Please contact the Admission Office directly by email, by post or visit the School website for latest information.

Boarding Houses

  • Three residence buildings house students in rooms for one, two or three girls. Residence staff provide 24-hour care and supervision.

2012/13 Canadian High School Boarding Fees# (CAD$) Per Year

7th Grade (12/13 Years Old)8th Grade (13/14 Years Old)9th Grade (14/15 Years Old)10th Grade (15-16 Years Old)11th Grade (16-17 Years Old)12th Grade (17-18 Years Old)

Remark: #Inclusive of tuition and residence fee but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities

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