Backboys boarding school

St. Andrew's College

School Name: St. Andrew's College
Location: 15800 Yonge Street Aurora, ON Canada
Founded Year: 1899
Religion: Non-Denominational Christian
Motto: Quit ye like men, be strong
Type: Boys
Boarding Age: 11-18
Year Group: Grade 5 - Grade 12
No. of Students: 613
No. of Boarders: 260
Average Class: 20 students
School Facilities:
Average SAT:
Entry Requirement:

SSAT results, extracurricular interests, and interview

Extracurricular Activities:

Sports are a compulsory activity and considered an essential part of school life and culture; 57 teams across 24 sports are offered by the school.

Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
MIcheal Roy
15800 Yonge Street, Aurora, ON, Canada
+1(905) 727 3178
[email protected]

The School

  • St. Andrew's students hail from an array of different backgrounds. Half of the school's student body are boarders and nearly 50% of the boarding community is international, coming from such countries as the Korea, Bahamas, Mexico, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Germany, Indonesia, Spain, China, Nepal and the United States to name a few. The remaining students are from various provinces across Canada.
  • The 113 members of the Class of 2012 received 444 offers of admission, 125 outside Ontario. On average there were 3.9 acceptances for each student.
  • Most of the graduates of St. Andrew's College move on to post-secondary education around the world, including Canadian, American and British universities.


  • Please contact the Admission Office directly by email, by post or visit the School website for latest information.

Boarding Houses

  • Offers a comprehensive Residential Life Curriculum (the only one in Canada) that imparts important life preparation skills, time management and solid study habits while incorporating fun and lifelong friendships throughout.

AP Course 

  • The students have a broad selection of courses to choose from, including Advanced Placement (AP) classes to better prepare them for post-secondary studies. As well, many AP examinations are offered at this testing location. Example of AP courses offered are chemistry, English, calculus, statistics, economics and computer science.

2012/13 Canadian High School Boarding Fees# (CAD$) Per Year

7th Grade (12/13 Years Old)8th Grade (13/14 Years Old)9th Grade (14/15 Years Old)10th Grade (15-16 Years Old)11th Grade (16-17 Years Old)12th Grade (17-18 Years Old)

Remark: #Inclusive of tuition and residence fee but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities

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