Backgirls boarding school

Burgess Hill School for Girls

School Name: Burgess Hill School for Girls
Location: Keymer Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 0EG, United Kingdom
Founded Year: 1906
Religion: Non denominational
Motto: I am, I can, I ought, I will
Type: Girls
Boarding Age: 2-18
Year Group: Nursery - Year 13
No. of Students: 680
No. of Boarders: 60
School Facilities:
Entry Requirement:
Sixth Form Entry Requirement:
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Strong musical tradition including orchestras, choirs and ensemble groups. Team sports, swimming, horse riding, Young Enterprise and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme are amongst the many extracurricular activities on offer.
  • With activities as wide ranging as sailing, rowing, golf, hockey, horse riding and squash, the girls are encouraged to pursue an active and healthy life with a good balance between work and enrichment to broaden their horizons. Our extra curricular activities include all ages and abilities and aside from our clubs in sports, music, arts and specialist subjects, the girls are offered further enrichment activities.

Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
Keymer Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 OEG, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1444 241050
[email protected]

The School

  • In a happy, supportive environment, girls are challenged and encouraged to develop a love of learning, self esteem and confi dence.
  • With high standards in every area of the curriculum and extracurricular fi eld, the School facilitates and encourages the girls to strive for excellence wherever their talents may lie and to seek to expand their experiences by taking the opportunities available to them.
  • The girls reap the benefi ts of being inquisitive and using their creativity and initiative. Their achievements are applauded.
  • Academic excellence is achieved through high expectations, strong motivation, excellent teaching and small classes.
  •  "Academic excellence is achieved by high expectations, very strong motivation, excellent teaching and small classes."
  • Burgess Hill School for Girls overall 83.5% of all A level results were awarded A* to B grades, continuing the high standards consistently achieved by students at the school.
  • Almost two thirds of the year group gained the coveted top grades, A* to B, in all their subjects and over half the girls achieved three or more A* and A grades.
  • The majority of leavers go on to higher education, studying a wide range of courses such as medicine, accountancy and law, while others follow careers in art, drama and music.


  • The Entrance Assessments for entry into the Infants and Junior departments in September 2013 will take place in January 2013. These dates will be confi rmed shortly. Senior Entrance & Scholarship Examinations for Year 7-10 entry in September 2013 will take place on Saturday 12th January 2013.

Boarding Houses

  • The girls each live in one of three very attractive boarding houses.
  • Each with its own modern facilities, light and spacious common rooms, good computer facilities, a games room, and kitchens for making snacks
  • The gardens are used for summer barbecues and relaxation.

GCSE Subjects

  • GCSE, AS and A-levels. 25 AS/A-level subjects. Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level.
  • In addition, all take a course in key skills. Vocational: City and Guilds cookery course available. Special provision: Full-time special needs department.

GCE AL Subject Choice

  • In the Sixth Form twenty-seven subjects are offered to AS and A2 level. Guided by their tutors girls select A level subjects and once again a timetable is built around their choices. At AS level most girls opt to study four or fi ve subjects, reducing to three or four at A2 level.
  • Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, French, German, Spanish
  • Chinese (Mandarin), Latin, Classics, Art, Textiles, Technology, Home Economics, Drama, Performance Studies, I.T., P.S.E (Personal and Social Education), P.E, Religious Studies, Music, Applied Business, Government and Politics, Health and Social, Psychology

2012/13 Boarding Fees# (GBP£) Per Term (3 Terms Per Year)


Remark: #Inclusive of tuition fees but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities

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