Backboys boarding school

Westminster School

School Name: Westminster School
Location: Little Dean's Yard Westminster London SW1P 3PF United Kingdom
Founded Year: 1179
Religion: Church of England
Motto: Dat Deus Incrementum
Type: Boys
Boarding Age: 13-18
Year Group: Year 6 - Year 13
No. of Students: 747
No. of Boarders: 250
School Facilities:
Entry Requirement:

Achieve a minimum of 60% of Common Entrance Examination (UK)

Sixth Form Entry Requirement:
  • GCSE - 18 points as a minimum entry requirement, where A* counts as 4 points, A as 3 points, B as 2 points, C as 0 points.
  • Include (i) English Language, (ii) Mathematics and (iii) an A/A* grade in the four subjects to be studied at Advanced level.
Extracurricular Activities:

Contact Details
Director of Admissions:
Little Dean's Yard, Westminster, London SW1P 3PF, United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7963 1003
[email protected]

The School

  • The Royal College of St. Peter in Westminster, better known as Westminster School, is one of Britain's leading independent schools, with the highest Oxford and Cambridge acceptance rates of any secondary school or college in Britain.
  • Standing in the precincts of Westminster Abbey in central London.


Here are three main points of entry for pupils:

  • For the Under School, at ages 7, 8, and 11, judged by a combination of internal exam and interview.
  • For the Lower School, at age 13, judged by either Common Entrance (UK), a standardised, national set of exams for entrance to independent schools, for standard entry; or the Challenge, an internal set of exams for scholarship entry; as well as interview.
  • For the Upper School, at age 16, judged by subject-specifi c exams and interviews and conditional upon GCSE results. This is the only point of entry for girls, and only a handful of boys join at this point each year.

Boarding Houses

  • There is a total of seven boarding houses on the school campus.
  • It's fun and have lots of time with friends.
  • There's supervised time for prep every evening.
  • There are other evening activities, including sport as well as trips to concerts, the theatre and the cinema.

GCSE Subjects

  • Core Subjects at GCSE: Classics, Criticial Thinking, Design & Technology, Drama, Economics, English, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religion and Theology, Science

GCE AL Subject Choice

  • Classics, Criticial Thinking, Design & Technology, Drama, Economics, English, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religion and Theology, Science

2012/13 Boarding Fees# (GBP£) Per Term (3 Terms Per Year)


Remark: #Inclusive of tuition fees but exclusive of miscellaneous fees, such as uniform, extracurricular activities

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