Mr Stanley Cheng: |
學歷:hkcee 16分, 中英文合格, 但hkale 得中文合格
工作年資: 超過十年
因本人很想進修及盡快短時間得到high dip既學歷,之後可再進一步進修達至學位程度.想問問以我現時情況是否可以直接報讀兼讀制high dip呢?實際上本人不介意選讀任何科目(如最大路既management or account....都ok既).請問有邊間學院及科目會比較適合我現時既條件和要求呢? |
陳筱芬: |
你好!據本人了解,坊間有好多香港教育機構或持續進修學院,有提供與外國大學合辦的學位課程(例如HKMA, POLYU SPEED),只需中五學歷及數年工作經驗便可報讀,而修畢課程大概需時兩至三年,因此你可以直接報讀學位課程。你現在應該拿著已有的學歷及經驗證明,到各間院校查詢不同課程的資料。
最後,本人誠意向你推介由EDUplus.com.hk出版的新世代進修生活雜誌《進修生活》,帶你從生活上、職場中和學界名人身上學習,閱覽最新期數可到:www.eduplus.com.hk/eduguide/ep2_issue.jsp。此外,本人會在EDUplus.com.hk Facebook Fan Page(www.facebook.com/EDUplus.com.hk)上繼續為大家解答工作和進修的疑難雜症,歡迎你成為其中一員,並時刻與我們保持聯繫。 |
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#1. wendy cheung 之評論
Let me introduce my background:
I am 34 years old, with F7 level, I have just completed HKMA DMS. 10 subjects A(include accounting, financial management and international business) and 2 subjects B. Now I would like to have part-time degree, preferably local-university because it seems that reputation and recognization is high. If no choice for local-university, pls advise any外國大學合辦的學位課程. Actually local university is my first choice.
I have worked in commercial(not banking) credit control areas for almost 8 years, I understand that if I had accountant or accounting qualifications, my career path will be good. However, I am not very interested in pure accounting, that’s why I must not pursue any accountant qualification. I prefer to get degree cert. such as BBA or international business. Could you give me any advice? Thanks for your help in advance. |
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